រឿង កូនឆ្កែ និងចចក

រឿង កូនឆ្កែ និងចចក
Romsaychit Team

The Puppies and the Wolf

‎👩 ‎🏫រឿង កូនឆ្កែ និងចចក

មានមេឆ្កែមួយ តែងទូន្មានកូនទាំងបីមិនឲ្យឈ្លោះប្រកែកគ្នា និងឲ្យចេះស្រលាញ់គ្នា អត់អោនឲ្យគ្នាទៅវិញទៅមក ។ មិនយូប៉ុន្មានមេឆ្កែនោះក៏បានស្លាប់បាត់ទៅ ។ ចចកដឹង ហើយបានចូលភូមិចាប់សត្វជាចំណី ។ ក៏ត្រូវកូនឆ្កែទាំងបី ធ្វើឲ្យរបួស ។ ចចកខឹងណាស់ វាប្រើកលល្បិច ដោយលួចយកឆ្អឹងមួយដុំទៅដាក់ជិតកូនឆ្កែទាំងពីរដែលកំពុងដេកលក់ រួចដើរទៅរកកូនឆ្កែមួយទៀតដែលកំពុងរកចំណីដោយនិយាយថា កូនឆ្កែពីរទៀតរកស៊ីក្បត់វា ។


កូនឆ្កែតូចនោះគ្រាន់តែស្ដាប់ឮភ្លាមក៏ដើរទៅមើល ឃើញមានតែឆ្អឹង នឹកអន់ចិត្ដនឹងបងប្អូនដែលស៊ីចោលវា ។ វាក៏ដើរទៅរកចំណីតែម្នាក់ឯង ហើយត្រូវបានចចកសម្លាប់នៅពេលនោះទៅ ។ ពេលកូនឆ្កែទាំងពីរភ្ញាក់ឡើង រកកូនឆ្កែមួយទៀតមិនឃើញវាភ័យខ្លាំងណាស់ក៏បំបែកគ្នាតាមរកដោយមួយទៅនេះ មួយទៅនោះ ។ ចចកមាន ឱកាសល្អក៏ទៅសម្លាប់ឆ្កែម្ដងមួយៗរហូតស្លាប់អស់ទៅ ។


- ត្រវស្ដាប់ដំបូន្មានឪពុកម្ដាយ កុំបីធ្វេសប្រហែសឡើយ
- មិនត្រូវជឿពាក្យញុះញង់របស់អ្នកដទៃ ដោយគ្មានការពិចារណារកហេតុផលនោះទេ ។
- សាមគ្គីរស់ បែកបាក់សាមគ្គីស្លាប់ ។

‎👩 ‎🏫The Puppies and the Wolf

There was a dog that always taught her three children to love, look after, and forgive each other. Shortly, their mother had died. A wolf had known this and then went to catch animals for food in the village. But, he was attacked by three puppies. The wolf was furious and played trick on the puppies. He took a bone and placed it secretly it secretly before the two sleeping puppies. The wolf then went to look for a puppy that was looking for food and flattered him that his two brothers betrayed him. After hearing these words, he went toward the two puppies immediately and saw only bone left.

The Puppies and the Wolf The puppy felt disappointed with his brothers, so he went to look for food lonely and was killed by the wolf at that time. The other two puppy get up and couldn’t find his brother, they were frightened and went to look for him separately. The wolf had a right occasion and killed the two puppies.

✍️✍️✍️Moral values

- Have to listen to parents’ advice, don’t be careless.
- You have to think carefully before you trust someone.
- Unity can make you alive while breaking unity can destroy you.

❤អត្ថបទល្អៗជាច្រើនទៀត ❤

@រក្សាសិទ្ធគ្រប់យ៉ាងពី ក្រុមរំសាយចិត្ត


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